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encounter, freya alt, 2023 

nanna kaiser, juliet skogen raczkowski, lalin mercan, gülhatun yıldırım, hanna besenhard, vilde olianne rugas rolfsnes sche

An encounter is to meet, or find someone or something by chance. Often unexpectedly. (...)


This space is not a tangible place, nor is it a static perimeter within which we can enter and exist as we please. It's an empty void, an all- encompassing nothing. If space is intangible and consists of nothing, then it can simultaneously consist of everything. In this regard, space is both freedom and creation, where everything emerges.


We like to separate ourselves from space, because accepting the idea that we exist in nothingness, would imply that we ourselves are nonexistent. But what if we didn't

separate ourselves from space, and rather embraced ourselves as one? For the most crucial space in our existence, is the space which we hold within

ourselves. We carry it with us everywhere, and it is the very essence of our being.


Then one day, we encounter one another, and our individual spaces collide. Such an encounter opens up for the unique opportunity to merge our individual spaces

together, and in doing so, we can create a space of our own. This encounter becomes its own space.



Julia Westphal

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